Friday, July 13, 2018

5 Simple Ways to Change Your Life With The Law Of Attraction (Learn This)

5 Simple Ways to Change Your Life With The Law Of Attraction (Learn This)

By Heather Mathews
Author of Manifestation Miracle

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” - Rumi

Johanna, a college student from Kuala Lumpur, had been struggling to finish her studies.

She was living in a dorm with other students, and had trouble making ends meet.

Johanna was on a scholarship which meant she needed to keep her grades high while working part-time to support her living expenses.

Strapped for time and resources, she barely got by and started feeling burnt out. If Johanna wasn't hitting the books, she was working.

Everything started to become a blur and she was losing motivation to keep going.

It got so bad that Johanna even thought about telling her parents she couldn't do it anymore and drop out from college.

But then a classmate from her philosophy class introduced her to the Law of Attraction.

Jacques, a foreign exchange student from Canada, had been reading up on it and applied it in his own life.

According to him, it had helped him manifest a solution to his own problems.

He had lived in an abusive home growing up, and Jacques leaned how to shift his thinking and perspective to change his circumstances.

Johanna wasn't sure at first what to make of it, but she took Jacques word for it and started applying its principles in her own life.

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After she made a shift in her own mindset and attitude, Johanna started to experience some positive changes.

She eventually quit her part-time job and found another one with better pay and hours which helped with her living expenses.

It also helped free up her time, so she managed to study AND start a side income project selling items online.

Johanna ended up growing her side business so much that she got Jacques to help her manage it.

By the end of the academic year, she had turned into a completely different person.

Johanna was no longer the depressed, burned out student from before. She had become a self-sufficient student and even made the dean's list!

The Power of Changing Your Focus

Sometimes, we get so discouraged that we feel powerless to change our situation.

Like Johanna, we fall into a FIXED mindset where we think things will stay the same and we can't do anything about it.

But the only way to break out of this negative spiral is by changing your INNER world.

This is the key to influencing your external world so you can move forward in life.

In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction is a way of living that requires you to change your frequency.

When you do this, the Universe will pick up your signal and your life will change for the better.

As for the frequency I mentioned, this is basically the vibration of energy that your mind gives off.

You can either operate at a high or low vibration, and each type will give you a specific result.

Most people don't realize they're giving off low frequency energy, which is actually making their situation worse.

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The main problem is when you attach your emotions to your external circumstances.

For instance, it's easy to feel bad when you're broke. And naturally, it's just as easy feel the opposite if you had money in the bank.

Similarly, seeing other people in a happy, romantic relationship will make you bitter and angry if you're single.

And so on…

I'm not saying it's wrong to feel bad about things like that. However, you shouldn't use your circumstances (and how you FEEL about them) as an excuse to STOP trying.

People fail to realize that NOT doing anything about their situation will only make them feel WORSE. And this further traps them in a vicious cycle of negativity and inaction.

Thus, the Law of Attraction will help you install a more positive attitude in your consciousness.

This keeps your mind from being overrun by negativity - and more importantly, give you the leverage to BREAK FREE from your situation.

With some practice, your thoughts and actions will effortlessly work together to attract positive circumstances in your life.

But where should you start? Here are some ways to put the Law of Attraction into action and start creating massive changes:

#1: Share Your Gifts to the World

The Bible talks about the power of giving, and how it outweighs the benefits of getting.

But no matter what your faith or beliefs are, it helps to think of generosity on a LARGER SCALE.

Giving is more than just a virtue - it's a type of cosmic currency.

When you perform acts of kindness or share your resources for no other reason than WANTING TO, you're putting this currency into circulation.

And soon enough, this positive energy you send into the world - and the Universe as a whole - will find its way back to you.

You won't get it in the same form, but it will come around, one way or another.

I know that sometimes, giving feels like the LAST thing you want to do - especially when your own life is lacking in some capacity.

Why bother extending yourself when you've got enough to worry about for yourself?

But that's exactly the point.

Giving - even when you THINK you can't - will prove that this is a FALSE perception.

Let your acts of generosity serve as a reminder to everyone that in spite of everything, life IS and will ALWAYS be abundant.

Trust in the infinite energy of the Universe and tune into its unique frequency.

Your selflessness is the key to that. A generous attitude raises the quality of the vibrations you send out into the world.

Escaping the scarcity mindset and the fear of not having enough is one of the most liberating things you can do.

By doing so, you're FREE to improve the lives of others - and yours in the process.

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#2: Stop hanging out with losers

I don't mean to sound judgmental, but there are people in your life that will try to drag you down, whether they're aware of it or not.

You should avoid them at all costs.

People in a bad situation will try to feel better about themselves by spreading their toxic way of thinking to others.

They pull others down with their hurtful words, or convince them that they're not good enough.

Instead of doing something about their own situation, it's easier to go down this dark path and take everyone else with them.

And the Law of Attraction states that when you focus on something, the Universe will feed you more of the SAME.

So the good news is that you can choose to avoid this downward spiral and get on another path instead.

This is why you need to be careful about the company you keep. Choose the people that can share their constructive energy with you.

If their attitude, mindset and words lift you up, you know you're in the right place.

Their energy is contagious, and you'll naturally raise your own frequency and attract only good things in your life.

As for toxic people, I know there are times when you simply can't avoid them.

They could be family, friends, or co-workers - and you might be even living with some of them.

It's a challenge for sure, but do your best not to let their negative energy get to you.

You don't have to butt heads with them and simply respond with positivity.

If you're in a conversation with them, try to frame it in a healthy, positive way so you don't get sucked into their toxic field of gravity.

You don't have to change their mind; just take the “agree to disagree” route and leave it at that.

Who knows, your own energy might “rub off” on their consciousness. They might even think about what you told them and re-evaluate their own perspective.

#3: Get out from under the grind

We all have our lives to lead, and that means falling into a routine.

Now, don't get me wrong - having structure in your life is important and even necessary.

At a basic level, we need it to function on a daily basis. Incorporating helpful habits into your everyday routine is a GOOD thing.

However, there is a danger in being TOO embedded in it and shutting yourself off to trying NEW things.

Sticking too closely to your routine could make you afraid of the unfamiliar and uncomfortable - and hinder your GROWTH in the process.

So if you want to attract new and exciting things into your life, you should carve out some room for that.

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Doing things that help you grow ALWAYS has a place in a well-balanced life. A stable, healthy routine is the best way to avoid a soul-crushing existence.

What are the things that inspire you?

Outside of your usual chores and duties, what gives you a sense of fulfillment - even if it doesn't pay the bills?

People usually shoot down any desire for this because they're afraid they “don't have enough time.”

But you'll see just how flimsy that excuse is once you actually take the plunge and spend that time you didn't think you had.

In as little as half an hour, you could engage in a fulfilling pursuit. Find (or rekindle) a hobby, take up an online course or watch free videos.

Let it energize your senses, inspire you to greatness and empower you to create something wonderful in this world.

More than that, you can acquire knowledge to advance you in some way, like learning a skill, for example.

I recently came across a post on Twitter that made me smile.

It said: “There's too much free information online for y'all not be crushin it in whatever field.”

Use your precious time to invest in a better you and express yourself through your passions.

Don't worry about the “if”s and “how”s. Just get started with something now, and the rest of your life will adjust to it.

You won't know what new avenues will open up UNTIL you get the ball rolling,

#4: Quiet your mind

Meditation is one habit that goes very well with practicing the Law of Attraction.

When you learn how to control your thoughts (instead of the other way around), you're in the best position to manifest the things you want.

A lot of people find it challenging to keep their thoughts above water when they're flooded with negative emotions.

With meditation, you can take a step back and remove yourself from a situation in a healthy way.

There are books, free content online and mobile apps that can help you with this.

For instance, I just tried out the Insight app on my phone which is kind of like the YouTube equivalent for meditation.

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You can search by a specific person or channel, or even topics like easing anxiety, anger management, and so on.

This is a low-maintenance habit which will only take about 10-15 minutes daily. You could even spend five minutes if you're really strapped for time!

This basically works by sitting down on the floor (or a chair) and closing your eyes.

The idea is to take slow, measured breaths and pay attention to the physical sensations you're feeling at the moment.

Are your muscles tense? Is your heart beating quickly from the stress you're currently experiencing?

These are some of the things to be mindful of as you breathe in and out. If any other thoughts enter your mind, don't resist it.

Don't chase after them and just let it pass. Then you can go back to focusing on the rhythm of your breath.

Take this time to focus on the feelings of love, health, success and prosperity.

In other words, the things you want to ATTRACT.

Concentrate your attention on inhaling and exhaling. Once you've calmed your mind enough, you're ready visualize the things you want to manifest in life.

This will have a powerful effect on your subconscious and put you on the path towards your goals.

And that brings us to the last life-changing habit…

#5: Affirmations

Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest boxers in history, was known for saying, “What you're thinking is what you're becoming.”


That attitude helped him become what he was, and it will serve you well, too.

Most of the time, people don't pay attention to the kind of thoughts they hold in their heads.

Left unchecked, they often feed into a toxic narrative they have about themselves without realizing it.

Like I said earlier, what you put in your subconscious affects you.

The things you tell yourself are like seeds you plant in your mind and they'll grow over time. Those same thoughts will express themselves in your actions and the choices you make.

So, you need to be careful which seeds you plant.

Joseph Murphy, author of the book, “The Power of the Subconscious Mind”, tells us that this part of your mind can't distinguish which thoughts are real or imagined.

As far as it's concerned, your subconscious will treat it as FACT whether it's happening in the physical world or NOT.

Thus, people don't just operate on these subconscious beliefs. Without being aware of it, they're turning their thoughts into reality.

And it WILL happen - one way or another.

The perception you have about yourself is largely influenced by the people you had around while growing up.

Their input - whether good or bad - left a mark on your subconscious that's hard to shake off.

And this programming kicks in whenever you make decisions and it dictates how you respond to tough times.

This inner dialogue can act as your inner voice of confidence and self-assurance…

…or as in most people's cases, it's the voice of fear and self-doubt.

You might think you're not good enough or smart enough because you couldn't stop the bad things from happening.

You curse yourself for messing things up, then blame it on some pre-assigned character defect.

Usually, it's in the form of labels like “Loser”, “Hopeless Case”, “Slacker”, “Weirdo” and so on.

But remember, these labels only have as much power over as you ALLOW it.

You can apply the Law of Attraction to change this inner chatter and rewire your mind for success instead.

It's impossible to attract wealth, abundance and happiness if you're focused on putting yourself down.

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You can do the opposite by using encouraging statements that will empower you to take action.

Here are some examples to try during your meditation sessions:

Affirmations that span across time: Think about what's already happened, what's happening now, and what's yet to come. Then put it all together like this: “BEFORE, I was broke, miserable and hated the world. But I know better NOW and want to turn it around. Things are about to change, and SOON I'll be prosperous, happy and living my dream life.”
Affirmations that are crystal clear: Saying something like “I am loved” or “I am blessed” is a good start, but they're a bit vague. Try elaborating on these ideas and flesh them out even more. Then you'll end up with a statement like “I'm surrounded by people who love and support me. They help me grow as a person and want to see me succeed.” As for being blessed, you can say “I'm blessed with infinite opportunities and resources, and my life is full and abundant.”
Affirmations with an attitude: Another way to supercharge your subconscious is by being a little cheeky with your statements. When that voice of fear and insecurity kicks in, drown out the noise with, “Whatever, I'm amazing at everything I do. I fight like hell and do my best, and I can't hear what you're saying!” Adding some lighthearted humor amplifies your signal and makes it easier for the Universe to hear your thoughts. Try this the next time you're feeling especially down on yourself.

When you improve the quality of your thoughts, it's as if your circumstances will rearrange itself on their own.

These changes will seem to happen without doing much on your part. But the truth is that you're already doing the heavy lifting by disciplining your mind.

Starting today, you can apply these five tips I've just shared with you to create ripples of change in your life.

The more you practice them, the bigger waves will result from your efforts. I hope you make use of this knowledge and empower yourself for greatness.

Before I go, there's ONE MORE gift I'd like to share with you…

It's called the Manifestation Breakthrough Kit, and for a limited time I'm offering it totally FREE of charge.

You can combine this kit with the five tips you just learned to get even BETTER results.

Click HERE to learn how to FORCE the Universe to give you everything you've ever wanted…and MORE!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Be Coachable

Today Oprah just invested in True Food Kitchen. She is going to join the board of directors. Now let me ask you, if you joined a board of directors, can you learn how to operate? That would require putting off a lot of things especially leisure. You have to be willing to learn if you want to grow. Remember if you are not growing you are dying. If you do find your mentor the level that you reach is dependant upon you. You can buy a biography or autobiography, but never read it! You have to be willing to learn in order to guarantee more success. You have to be willing to give things up in order to learn. Look at what a Doctor spends to join that profession. Lot's of time and money. Of course you can do anything you choose without having to be a Doctor, however look at the example of being teachable! They have to be willing to give up a lot of time and money in order to attain success in their field.

You can get the success you want if you increase your level of teachability. Are you willing to give up stuff to learn? Are you willing to give up even your favorite thing for a year! That will quickly give you an overview of your own level of teachability. You already know this to be true. If you set aside an hour day to read you will become more successful! Of course remember to listen to the right people that have real evidence that what they did works. That is why biographies are so powerful. They contain no theory, just facts based upon the life of someone who reached ultra success. Books are powerful that is why throughout history reading has been made illegal for most of the population! Even in certain states of America there was a time where it was illegal for certain people to read! The people in power have access to books we may never see. However reading is very powerful people like Kings and Queens knew this and used laws to prevent people from reading just to make sure people would not become too powerful. Doctors read a lot as well! Reading is super powerful. Watch C-Span and see how much the politicians actually read! Technical reading that most of us would need a lawyer to even barely understand. Politicians write the law that lawyers study. There is a huge library in Congress. The ability to learn is sometimes the only divide between people of very different incomes. Anyone can change themselves today by learning.

Once you do learn however you may have experienced that your brain automatically does things almost as if you never learned anything! This is because coupled along with being teachable has to be the willingness to accept change! In martial arts they practice over and over again to make sure that your brain has the technique built in. There is muscle memory and most importantly there are neuropathways in your brain. Anything you learn, and then do, starts to become a neuropathway in your brain. That is why sometimes you have to say why do I keep doing that a few times before your brain truly adjusts! This is key if a politician gets a mentor they have to be willing to change after they learn something new. You have to turn yourself into Bruce Lee. Everyone knows how to throw a punch. However Bruce Lee probably had a karate teacher or a book at first. It was up to him to practice over and over until he was changed. That is the same with everything anyone can learn, however only a few will truly change! The saying goes insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. You cannot allow things to go in one ear and out the other. Just how teachable are you?

This is a powerful skill that ultra successful people already have. Look at the masters of the past. Davinci studied painting, sculpture, anatomy, science, engineering, and architecture. Can you guess that the man was teachable. Back then it was probably a lot of sacrifice he made just to learn that! Imagine that even during Benjamin Franklin's time it took weeks to travel between Europe and America by boat. Who knows how much the great masters have sacrificed. If you study them you will find they are highly teachable. Just imagine how your life will change when you take the very act of learning and create a habit out of it! You must be teachable. You must be coachable!

One of the most powerful ways to change is by writing things down! Bob Proctor tells a story of when his debt of six thousand dollars totalled more than his yearly income and simply wrote his goal of having twenty five on an index card and carried it with him. Just doing that helped him to actually realize the change in his own life. Today he is a millionaire. He had already been reading Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill however like I said learning is only the first step the second step is implementing it into your life! He did that with an index card and there are actually a lot of wealthy people who have done the same thing or have had a symbol of success that helps remind them! People have used paintings, dream boards, and of course writing! People write their goals on a note and carry it, they write on their mirrors. It really doesn't matter where you write it. The point is use writing to create change in your life. Writing is just an easy way to do it. When you write something by hand you are using a lot of those neuropathways because of the intricate movements of your fingers. Add to that you can give yourself a message at different times. For example you can say "I want to read more." Tape it to the remote control of the tv. That way you can remind yourself in different states of mind, this is very powerful. Sometimes you will not feel like doing something, then later you will wish you did it, by taking that time and writing a note to yourself and placing it where you will see it in that state can really help you change!

Find something you love and learn about it. Learn a new skill or further skills you have already learned. Developing a skill is embracing change. You will be slightly different after you have developed the skill. Education has educe as a root word meaning to draw from within. It is the same principle in weight lifting. When you lift weights over and over your muscle gets stronger. When you read or learn everyday your mind gets stronger. Now whether you want to develop your mind to become a politician or just become ultra successful doing what you love is up to you!

10 Steps to Attract the Life You Want

By Heather Mathews
Author of Manifestation Miracle

“What you seek is seeking you.” - Rumi

If I told you that you could create the exact type of circumstances you want, would you call me crazy?

What if your very thoughts could create ripples of change that not only impact your life…

…but those around you as well?

Philip, a call center worker from the Philippines certainly didn't think so. He dreamed of moving overseas so he could secure a better life and provide for his family.

But at every turn, his own mind shut down every opportunity he thought of.

For instance, Philip considered seeing an immigration consultant, but he either “didn't have the time” or “couldn't afford it”.

So, he resented his situation and cursed himself (and the world) for his “bad luck”.

He didn't realize that the real culprit was his mindset - not his circumstances.

And it seemed like the more he ruminated, the more bad things happened.

Thus, he kept feeding the cycle of being stuck in a rut and feeling bad, trapping him even more.

That was, until his aunt Sara introduced him to the Law of Attraction.

Turning the tide

Before she moved to California, Sara had been close with Philip and treated him like a son.

She had her own share of struggles finding greener pastures abroad, but she applied the principles from the Law of Attraction to overcome them.

So she sent a few books on the topic to Philip through Amazon so he could gain the clarity to turn his life around.

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At first, Philip didn't really think much of it, but he decided to read through the books since his aunt went through the trouble of sending it over.

After he started applying the lessons he learned from the material, things started to change for him.

It came as a complete shock to Philip - he never thought in a million years that making a simple shift in his thinking could have such a direct and POWERFUL impact in his life.

And soon enough, the fog of negativity and despair around Philip lifted and he found a way to make his dreams happen.

Through his persistence, he was eventually able to borrow the money he needed for the consultation fees, and learned the step-by-step process to get work overseas.

Philip was finally able to find a fulfilling and rewarding career in Australia. Not only does he get to support his family back home, he also made friends and enjoys his new life abroad.

Just a few months ago, Philip's parents started their own business, thanks to his help.

At the rate they're going, his family could save enough so they can pass on their business to another relative and follow Philip to Australia. ould wait for Philip to take the offer so they can move there instead.

Whatever option Philip chooses, the possibilities for him are almost limitless.

But he's just one of thousands who made the Law of Attraction to work for him. Like Philip, a lot of people are initially discouraged to try because they think it takes a lot of work.

But the reality is that it's surprisingly easy to get started. You just need to follow these 10 Super Simple Steps to Attract Everything You've Ever Wanted:

Step #1: A little gratitude goes a long way

The first thing you should learn about the Law of Attraction is that it operates on energy.

YOUR energy, to be exact.

Everyone has a different kind of energy they bring into the world, and it affects them in ways they often don't see or appreciate.

The secret lies in the FREQUENCY of a person's energy - and you need to raise yours in order to change your life.

Think of your unique energy as a sort of gas that fills the space of your reality. Whatever “gas” or “energy” you pump out into your immediate space will define your existence.

Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, said this in his book, “Man's Search for Meaning”:

“To draw an analogy: a man's suffering is similar to the behavior of a gas. If a certain quantity of gas is pumped into an empty chamber, it will fill the chamber completely and evenly, no matter how big the chamber. Thus suffering completely fills the human soul and conscious mind, no matter whether the suffering is great or little. Therefore the "size" of human suffering is absolutely relative.”

So if you want to invite great things into your life, you need to set the stage first. And you can do that by leading with the right energy.

That's why being grateful and appreciating what you have is powerful way to recalibrate your frequency.

Most folks hold off on feeling this way for AFTER they get what they want. But that's putting the cart before the horse, as the saying goes.

When you LEAD with gratitude, it will act as the precedent for everything good that follows.

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What I like to do is start of my day by making a list of things that I'm grateful for. If I miss anything, I save it for later and update my list at the end of my day.

And when I go over my list during the weekend, I'll see exactly how much good stuff I've accumulated.

This creates a kind of snowball effect and helps me attract even MORE good stuff down the road.

Step #2: Be generous

This can be a challenge for some people if they feel like there isn't enough to go around.

But if you take the initiative to SHARE whatever you can without asking anything in return…

… you'll generate the kind of energy that attracts prosperity for everyone…

…including YOU.

Again, this is the Law of Attraction at work.

Try offering your time, talents and material wealth to those who need it - you'll soon invite blessings without even trying.

Step #3: Visualize your future

What I find amazing about kids is how powerful their imaginations are.

When they role-play with other children, you can see in their eyes how REAL their games are to them.

This is something that's lost on grown-ups, and it's important to recapture that ability to envision the kind of reality you want.

The Universe likes to play games with us- the better you are at visualizing, the more you'll be rewarded.

Like I said, a certain type of energy attracts a certain kind of reality.

So if you focus your energy and thoughts on that dream job you want or the car you've always wanted to drive, you'll raise your frequency to ATTRACT those exact things.

Step #4: Let the negativity pass

When the bad times roll in and you feel like dirt, sometimes it's better to step aside and let it run its course.

Having negative thoughts and emotions are totally normal, but you don't always have to wrestle with them.

You can simply acknowledge what's going on in your inner world - then CHOOSE to keep moving forward anyway.

Let this negative energy pass through your system like bad case of gas. The sooner you let it do its thing, the quicker you can get back to what you were doing.

(Sorry for the fart analogy, but it get the point across, doesn't it?)

Step #5: Never stop growing

It's good to have a daily routine in your life, but not at the expense of your personal development.

Most people are so set in their ways that they're afraid of the thought of doing something new.

Then they complain about their humdrum lives, or that some folks “have all the luck.”

Breaking out of your comfort zone is never an easy thing, but it's a step worth taking.

No matter how loaded your schedule is, find some chunks of time to do things that will help you grow.

Whether it's taking an online course, joining a community, or taking up a hobby, this is a powerful way to attract new and exciting things in your life.

Step #6: Avoid the “toxic” crowd

There are people who seem hell-bent on pulling others into their world of misery.

Whether they're trying to lessen their own pain or simply enjoy doing it, you need to steer clear of them.

Instead, choose people who will have the opposite effect on your psyche. Not only does a person's energy attract circumstances, it's also CONTAGIOUS.

So make sure you hang out with the people who'll inspire you to achieve greater things - and not bring you down with apathy or inaction.

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Step #7: Give yourself permission to succeed

Most of the world's most brilliant people were put down in some way.

Somewhere along the way, someone told them they'd “never make it” or were “destined to fail.”

In your own life, certain people have tried to discourage you in some way.

They might have tried putting you down when you were growing up - or it could have been last week.

It doesn't matter.

What's important is that you understand that NO ONE can put labels on you.

And more importantly, they can NEVER give you permission to achieve what you want in life. You need to do that for yourself.

Don't let their words define your “story”. You don't have to fit whatever petty narrative they're trying to force on you.

Step #8: Affirm who you are

Instead of feeding into the lies that people tell you, let this be the day to start living your truth.

Create statements that embody the truth you choose to be, AND to live in.

People do this all the time.

When Elon Musk tried to launch the world's first privately owned rocket and failed, he told himself, “I'm going to try again, and I WILL get that thing into orbit.” (Well, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the point.)

And so his company SpaceX went back to the drawing board and got it right after the third attempt.

Elon affirmed his truth and it manifested into reality. In the same way, you can choose to affirm whatever truth applies to you.

Be honest with yourself and acknowledge the things that TRULY matter to you.

You know it, and the Universe knows it.

The key is to repeat it yourself every day. For example, if you know deep in your heart that you want to make a better life for yourself, you can say something like this:

“I may be struggling right now, but I know deep inside that I have what it takes to improve my life. I see myself transforming into a happier, wealthier person who makes other people's lives brighter.”

When you operate from even the tiniest shred of truth, you can grow that into a powerful force over time.

Step #9: Fail spectacularly

Here's something most people don't know about the Law of Attraction: before you can enjoy success and find true happiness, you need to crash and burn.

It's better to go after what you want and risking failure rather than playing it safe and not trying at all.

To create order in your life, you'll have to embrace the chaos that comes before it.

This is where you'll find the real lessons, even if they hurt a little.

(Or in some cases, a LOT).

Think of yourself as the beautiful Phoenix, like in the legends.

Imagine burning off bits and pieces of yourself that you don't need. As you rise from the ashes, you're reborn into a NEW YOU.

That's evolution. It may be an imperfect and unpleasant process, but the results are worth it.

Step #10: Remove your BIGGEST barrier to success

People don't realize that their greatest roadblock is none other than their own mindset.

They may say they want something to happen, but don't REALLY mean it.

For instance, someone might want to lose weight, but they don't want it bad enough.

Worse, they might not actually believe they can shed those pounds. A part of them refuses to acknowledge the faintest possibility of it happening.

This is pretty much why people NEVER attract the things they want in life.

In order to remove this barrier, you'll need to change something inside you.

You need to dig deep and understand WHY you don't want it as much as you say you do.

Are you scared of suffering through the process of getting what you want?

This is what turns most people off - they simply can't process the discomfort involved with growing up.

At the same time, you need to deal with the reasons why you think that your desired reality is impossible.

It could be some deep-seated beliefs brought about by past events, or experiences growing up.

Once you sort this out, you'll be free to do what you want without any pre-programmed beliefs holding you back.

Now, these ten steps we just talked about will get your foot in the door. Once you start doing them regularly, you'll experience remarkable breakthroughs you didn't think were possible.

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In a lot of ways, my situation was the same as Philip's. I worked myself to the bone and felt unfulfilled.

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But then I discovered how turn my mind into a magnet for prosperity and abundance…

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Listening to the right people

If you look at all of the most powerful and successful people you can see one common thread. They are not attending the local motivational seminar like everyone else who wants to get rich is. They have mentors. They read classic books. If you take the most successful people like the past Presidents, and Congress you will find they all have mentors. You can google any politician and see they have a mentor. They all read the classics. Over and over again.

 They do of course have access to better books than the average person however you can tell they read a lot. Just watch CSpan. They read a thousand page bill come on and say I read this last night and they can discuss it among each other in detail! Can the average person do this? The average person reads like one book a year. What comes to mind when you picture Obama, Clinton, Bush with their mentors? Their mentors are super powerful people in the same arena as they are. Obama was given his first job by Henry Kissinger. This guy is so powerful even to this day. They have mentors and that is because they listen only to the right people. If they get an opinion it will be through an organization that studies people and helps you appear to be on their side. They will learn from their mentors. Hillary didn't google how to be powerful in America, she had a mentor. Even Joe Rogan talks about his mentors that helped him become successful. If you find someone mega successful you usually find they have a mentor or got inspired by reading. This is key if you want to learn anything you can do it the fastest by learning from a true master.

You can read books by Zig Ziglar, Abraham Hicks, Napoleon Hill, etc. As long as you know the source comes from people who are already wealthy you will learn fast and pass everyone else. These authors were and are wealthy before selling books. Except Napoleon Hill however he got his information from Andrew Carnegie who was wealthier than most people ever to walk this Earth. That is why if you want to learn you can ignore the crowds and find a true master and learn from them. What field are you in? Find a mentor that is already successful in your field. That is the biggest advantage you can get. Save time on theories and get to the proven methods by learning from someone who has done it and has even been exactly where you are in life.
 Take your favorite subject and find biographies and autobiographies about people who have mastered what you dream of doing. Read them over and over. Find a mentor who has success in what you want to do. You will be given yourself the advantage that it takes to succeed. Most people do everything through trial and error. Few are smart enough to get a mentor that has proven success in their own life at what you want to do. Those who do are the captains of industry, and the most powerful in our government. So many people want to give you their two cents and the information could be good or bad. Since it is theory you wont know until after you try it. If you get a mentor who has proven success at what you want to learn you know what they are telling you is good. Think of it as a learning vehicle do you want to get where you are going faster, with less effort, and a much smoother process. Then be an apprentice. Learn from the true masters. Ignore peoples opinions, and stick to the proven masters who have done it in real life, not theory. Look at the evidence people who have a mentor become President of the United States. That is serious success.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The power of habits

Do you know the power of habits. Whether you do or not, habits are a big part of your life. Most importantly, the thoughts you have.
What separates successful people and unsuccessful people? What separates you at times of success, and times of failure. The answer could be habits. Habits have a lot of power although they are so deep within us we don't see them for what they truly are. They are programs and they can create your results. Why does a drug addict hit rock bottom? They have terrible habits. What about successful athletes that get up early and train hard almost every day? Those are habits people who exercise a lot even say "If I miss a day I feel unhappy I get a rush from exercising."

That little key is one of the things that can make or break our success. You have may experienced or spoke to a person who smokes cigarettes or has a bad habit which they cannot seem to stop doing. This is key they have programs running in their brain that actually reward them when they engage in their habits. Just like an old song can make you feel good instantly doing something that has become a habit will give you pleasurable feelings. Now obviously the trick is to make good habits. Like reading for instance many people have attained success by reading a book called "The Greatest Salesman In The World" by Og Mandino. In that book the man is given scrolls by the richest merchant and the first scroll says "I will make god habits and become their slave"

Having a habit like reading is awesome because it will improve your focus and concentration. Imagine the reports we hear about saying that the average person has an attention span of 30 seconds. Reading will extend that attention span which is key to changing your life and becoming more successful. Now the key is how you view your habits do you see them as nothing special or the specific keys you can use to change your entire life. It is up to you to make new habits no one can do that for you. The good news is once you decide to create new habits you can make positive changes just like that. The moment you decide to create the new habit everything changes.

Some good habits could be things like reading inspirational books, walking an hour per day, exercising, watching motivational speeches on youtube, painting, gardening, writing, making music, studying, learning, and many many many other great habits. There are in fact so many that I could not begin to tell you the best habit you should begin to work on now. That depends on you just start it. Make it a point to do it over and over and over again. Bad habits start small they come from repition in a relaxed and cheerful mood. So do good habits so decide which ones you want to make and build them.

After a while you will find yourself doing the positive habits without even thinking about them. You will love doing them more and more! I think it is easy to see the value in that. For instance if you watch CSPAN you will see that the leaders of this country can read very well. They will talk about bills that contain 1000's of pages that they read in one day. Can you read 1000's of pages and debate a bill over night? Well virtually every single leader of this country can do just that and you can see it on CSPAN if you would like proof.

Every world class athlete has the habit of exercise. Even those with poor nutrition are still exercising. In my opinion the habit of exercise and playing is the very habit that makes a person a super athlete. Obviously you would gain an edge when you study nutrition or find a nuntritionist. Just exercising as a habit is what makes people athletes. Actually exercising and lifting weights is a habit many many successful people have. You probably want the habit of walking. Walking at least one hour per day is very important to your mental health.

So now you have to review your habits and the results that you have gotten from them. You can just decide and change or create any habit you want. This is also why listening and reading inspirational things every day is a great habit to make! Top companies are always paying people to give speeches to their employees. They pay sports champions, coaches, and other inspirational people because they know that the results will return the money they spend on the speakers. Hillary and Bill Clinton have made millions on speeches. People are not paying millions of dollars for speakers because it doesn't work. It totally does work. When you are getting inspiration every day you will have the mental ability to change yourself. You don't want to give up half way through. Habits will change your life but they do take a while to develop ask a smoker how long it took them to get to where they are today. If you stick to it you will break through and get to the point where you ave developed success habits.

One of the biggest habits can be your way of thinking. If you think you cannot change or improve your life than how can you do it? If you keep hearing every day real stories of real people who changed their life. You will begin to feel that you can change your life. A secret way to change your thoughts is reading. Especially powerful books to read are biographies and autobiographies of people who have what you want in life. When you read the real way people achieved success you free yourself from some trial and error and theory. Less than 1% of people make millions of dollars. Reading biographies and auto biographies will give you insight on the 1% of people who actually achieved success.

Meditation is also a super powerful habit to create. You can google benefits of meditation for years! Just try it and you will be surprised how much stuff pops back up in your head! Stuff you may have forgotten if you didnt take a small mental break. Building the habit of meditating 10 minutes a day has been boasted by people like Run DMC Billionaire Russel Simmons. You can just google or youtube him on meditation. There is a ton of benefits to meditation. You can learn a meditative are like Qi Gong. Google the benefits of Qi Gong and you will see the value of making that a habit.

A great way to develop a habit or break a habit is with writing. Write yourself little notes. This is a powerful guide to changing or creating a habit. If we write ourselves a note it will help us to re-enforce those habits. If you want to break a habit take a break from that habit. Just try and stop and let some time pass this can begin to change that habit. Writing your reasons can help you accomplish that. For example if you have a bad habit maybe write your reason and place it where you can see it if you try and give up. Just keep cracking away at the bad habits and developing the good habits is key. You can accelerate this with writing down hand written reminders.

You can certainly change your entire life with habits. The power of habits can be amazing! If you want success perhaps the only thing you are missing are habits. You maybe super talented but have a bad habit holding you back. Of course you may not see which habits need to be developed to gain success that is why many people seek out a mentor. Learning from a mentor speeds up the process. If you remember to make good habits you can max out the results from having a mentor.

That is also a key reason going to success seminars has so many great results. When you leave your town and go to an event in a new place you will have to break your routine. Your routine is made up of your habits. Breaking up the old routine and making it a little better each day will generate amazing habits that will change your whole life. You can break up your old routines so many different ways. Stop watching your favorite tv show, or eating your favorite junk food. That process will instantly make you more willing to learn, and more willing to accept change. Change is the goal. You have heard of the comfort zone and how bad it can be. Well if you want to live comfortably, but you are not than you must get out of your comfort zone. Ideally you want to constantly improve your habits. This will mean you are always growing.

Here is a good list of idea's for good habits to build.

 1. Eating healthy: We all know eating fresh fruits, and vegetables is what we should eat so how healthy is your diet? You can get loads of information on a healthy diet. Eat food that is farm like. Eat those fruits, eat oatmeal, eat vegetables. Etc etc Developing healthy diet habits is a great place to work on for everybody! There is so much cool stuff to learn. I agree with Authors like Michael Pollan that say we have to stick to the outer edges of the supermarket where the produce is. Eat those salads, eat that brocolli. The good news is once it becomes a habit you will love eating healthy! Same thing with your bad food eating habits just take a break. It might be tough at first if you have developed a strong habit. A lot of times we know what we shouldn't be eating so go ahead and write it down and write yourself reminders. The reminders may help when you are in the situation where you are ready to eat that unhealthy food and seem to forget why you didnt want to eat it in the first place.

2. Taking vitamins: Personally I would highly recommend taking some vitamins. This will boost your mineral intake easily without having to eat some kind of farmers diet. I mean if you live in the real world right now vitamins and minerals aren't readily available. Kudos to you if you are able to go out and forage and have your own organic garden. I personally love the natural news store and super man herbs. I take vitamins from Mega Foods brand they sell it at Whole foods.

3. Take daily walks: Very easy to start with very powerful benefits. You can actually lose a lot of weight just from walking an hour or more per day. Also if you are overweight walking should be much easier on your body than trying to jump right into something like running. Your body burns fat for energy over the long term and sugar for immediate energy so when you walk for an hour or more you are burning fat for energy. Walking is super great for your mood. Any exercise has a slew of benefits for your mood and health so walking is a great habit to build today! You can do it year round and stay in pretty good shape just with a daily walking routine. People say if you are hurt to walk it off because walking is that easy and natural. Of course many people are far beyond this when it comes to exercise walking is still great for their mood. Just try it set a destination walk over and hour and then journal your feelings for the rest of the day. The cool thing about habits is the more you do it the more you will actually enjoy and love doing it!

4. Reading every day: This maybe the single most powerful habit to become wealthy. As I mentioned earlier watch CSPAN look at the leaders of this country and how much they read. Just consider who in this country is wealthy. We all have heard that you don't have to graduate college to become wealthy. Yes, that is very true. However Doctors, and Lawyers make a lot of money. What stands between any person and becoming a doctor or lawyer? A whole lot of reading! Yes, that is something that we can all say is a no brainer doctors, and lawyers will have to read a lot to go from regular person to going to school and getting their career. Perhaps you have no interest in being a doctor or a lawyer. Well take matters into your own hands and read, read, read! Read as much as a law or medical student about any subject and you will make money. Reading every day at least one page per day is a powerful habit. Maybe the most powerful habit when it comes to success.

5. Listen to inspirational things on youtube: You can find so much stuff on there just jump in and try it! Listening to uplifting, inspirational things will help you in all areas. That's why Nasa Astronauts listened to Zig Ziglar on cassette tape in the old days. Now you can listen to Zig on youtube. This is a great way to find new mentors! Make this a daily habit. If you do it once in a while that is good, but if you do it daily thatis powerful! Check out Steve Harvey or Will Smith.

6. Journal: Make it a habit to write things down every day. This is ultra powerful! When you write things down you will seriously boost your focus. People bring grocery lists to the super market and go through their life without writing things down. Writing things down will help you get everything you could ever want. First and foremost because you will actually know what you want. We are human and writing things down can add a steadiness of purpose to our life so that we can reach levels of success we never dreamed of. If you can write them down on paper by hand. This also increases our focus because of the way our brain associates things together. When you are writing you use so many different hand motions that your subconscious is literally creating associative connections in your brain! You may not remember everything but, if a person is hypnotized it can reveal that you are able to recall everything that has ever been in your eye sight. When you write you are associating the thoughts you are writing down with unique movements and using your brain in different ways. Make it a habit to journal and you will start to have an amazing focus and get a lot more of what you want.

7. Meditate: There is so much going on taking a mental break is amazing! You can try it for 60 seconds and you will probably find your mind doesnt get quiet. Actually as you quiet your mind things start popping up that you wanted to remember! You might be surprised how many of these memories will come out of the dark. Years worth of memories possibly. Just by sitting there and quieting your mind. Make this a habit and you may even alter your brain structure. Studies have shown meditation to have effects on the growth of the brain. Meditation is essential thus making it a daily habit will benefit you! It could be just meditating while counting your breaths or you can take up yoga or qi gong.

8. Smile: When you smile, you feel better. People seem to enjoy being around you more. We naturally want to be rich, we want to have freedom, we want to be happy, and we like happy people. When you make smiling a habit you will smile more! If people ask you if you ever smile that might be a hint that you should smile more.

9. Practice gratitude: We all have something that we should be grateful for. Something that makes us feel blessed. Every day ask yourself the question. What am I thankful for? This helps you change your focus. No matter how bad things are going right now you can focus on something to be thankful for. It doesn't matter what it is. I'm thankful I can see. I'm thankful for my great health. I'm thankful for this person in my life. I'm thankful for all of the experiences in my life up until now. I'm thankful for this beautiful day. I'm thankful for the sky and how gorgeous it looks. I'm thankful for that beautiful meal we had. I am thankful for my wonderful family and how much love they have given me. I'm thankful for the success I have had in my life. I'm thankful for anything, you can pick anything to be thankful for. Once you make this  habit you will powerful change everything! The power of perception is amazing! Once you make it a habit of putting out vibrations of love, appreciation, and thankfulness you will start to change your perception. Have you ever heard of the book Acres Of Diamonds? Well you would be surprised how much money you could be making right now if you just changed your perception. Making gratitude a habit is just about a guaranteed way to change your perception and thus change what you notice and alter your path to success!

10. Listen to music: Music is one of the mosts powerful tools to change your mood instantly. If you are down moping along you are putting success on hold. This is understandable because we have all been there. Being able to instantly pull yourself out of it with a song is invaluable! Make a list of songs that make you feel good. Sort them by mood. Break the habits of wasting time feeling bad with uplifting music! Make it a habit to nip low feelings in the bud with some uplifting music.

11. Dance: Listening to music instantly changes your mood. When you add in dancing you are bringing it to a whole new level of focus! Since the goal of this is mental making it more powerful is a great way to speed up your progress. When you dance all the different body movements create new ways to make memories through association. There may be objects, or places that make us feel bad because we associate them.

12. Sing: Have you ever heard the saying I'm not singing because I am happy, I am happy because I am singing. This is powerful singing can uplift your mood instantly. Being in a good mood is an obvious boost to your success. You know when you are hot you're hot and you keep on winning. Being able to sing yourself into a good mood is awesome! Take your favorite song and memorize it. This can be such a fun process especially if you do it with a friend. Getting into the habit of a person who controls their own emotions makes you very powerful. While your competition is failing because they are having a tough time you can excel by having something you can utilize to uplift yourself anytime. Once you make this a habit you won't even think about it anymore you will simply love to sing. This is a quick way to feel good which has so many benefits psychologically and even is shown to have a positive effect on your body.

13. Dream build: Thinking of getting what you want is a great daily practice. Just like they talk about in the movie The Secret. Imagine things and experiences that you want to experience. Imagine your dreams already realized. Imagine the next steps in your dream. Here is where you want to use your emotions as your guide. The better you feel the more powerful this exercise it. You want to ideally get to the point where you are imagining having what you want so vividly that you don't even care that you don't actually have it yet. Now this becomes very powerful when you turn it into a habit! Your emotions are the result of neuropeptides, and you can actually become addicted to them. You can develop the habit of daily anger which psychologically will lead you to do things that make you angry. This is discussed beautifully in the movie What The &%@# Do We Know? In that movie they discuss how peoples lives can be guided by this autopilot feature we all have which itself can be guided by an addiction to neuro-peptides. So when you combine all the research you can see how powerful this habit is to develop. Some keys are to focus on things you believe you can get so you have remember to check in with your emotions. If an idea is too far fetched like winning the power ball tomorrow you will not feel excited and can actually start to feel bad. You want to reach upwards as far as you can realistically. The good thing is as you practice this and make it a habit you will turn it into Bruce Lee's 2 inch punch, or Rhonda Rousey's armbar. Once you just want to do this a little more you are set. At that point you will never stop you will always grow this ability. Remember a big shot is just a little shot that kept on shooting.